Chartmetric CLI

A command line tool for accessing the Chartmetric API.

cm radio airplays-entity

Lookup the total number of times an asset (artist, album, or track) was played over the radio (aka total airplays) for a given entity (country, city, station, track).


Full API endpoint documentation at

cm radio airplays-entity [flags]


  cm radio airplays-entity 3079 --type=artist --entity=country --since=2024-06-17
  cm radio airplays-entity 50621806 --type=track --entity=station --since=2024-06-17


      --type string         The content asset type for a specific asset id. Allowed values: 'artist', 'track', 'album'
      --entity string       The entity to retrieve results for. Allowed values: 'country', 'city', 'station', 'track'
      --since string        Start date in ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD.
      --station string      Specify a Chartmetric radio station id to filter results to a single radio station.
      --limit string        Maximum number of results to be returned (default: 10, maximum: 100).
      --dateFormat string   The format to return date values. Allowed values: 'ISO', 'UNIX' (default: 'ISO'). When ISO, dates are formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DD'. When UNIX, dates are formatted as UTC-based Unix time (aka epoch).
  -h, --help                help for airplays-entity

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --debug   Display debug output in the console (default: false)


  • cm radio - Lookup information related to radio stations and airplay
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 17-Jul-2024