Chartmetric CLI

A command line tool for accessing the Chartmetric API.

cm charts apple-music

Get insights for tracks or artists on Apple Music Charts.


One of the flags “date” or “latest” is required.

Full API endpoint documentation at

cm charts apple-music [flags]


  cm charts apple-music --type=tracks --insight=top --genre=Jazz --country_code=US --latest=true
  cm charts apple-music --type=albums --country_code=GB --latest=true


      --type string           The chart type (aka "chart-type" in API). Allowed values: 'tracks', 'albums', 'videos'.
      --insight string        The chart subtype/insight (aka "type" in API), for track charts only. Allowed values: 'top', 'daily'.
      --date string           Charting date in ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD. Required unless 'latest' flag is true.
      --country_code string   Filter by chart's country code in ISO Alpha-2 format. Allowed values: 'GLOBAL', 'US', 'JP', 'DE', 'CA', ... (default "US")
      --city_id string        Chartmetric city id. Required for Apple Music City Charts.
      --genre string          The chart genre (only used for track charts, with type=top). Allowed values: 'All Genres', 'Pop', 'Rock', 'Dance', ... (default "All Genres")
      --offset string         Each response has a max limit of results. Use this to paginate through the results.
      --latest string         If true, returns the latest data point available regardless of date. Allowed values: 'true', 'false'
  -h, --help                  help for apple-music

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --debug                  Display debug output in the console (default: false)
  -r, --refresh_token string   Chartmetric API Refresh Token to use (overrides config file token; does not save)
  -V, --verbose                Show additional details only when displaying debug info (default: false)


  • cm charts - Lookup rankings for tracks and albums on various charts
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 28-Aug-2024