Chartmetric CLI

A command line tool for accessing the Chartmetric API.

cm charts airplay

Get insights for tracks or artists on Airplay Charts.


One of the flags “date”, “since”, or “latest” is required.

Full API endpoint documentation at

cm charts airplay [flags]


  cm charts airplay --type=tracks --duration=daily --latest=true
  cm charts airplay --type=artists --duration=daily --since=2024-06-09


      --type string           The chart type (aka "chart_type" in API) to return. Allowed values: 'monthly_listeners', 'popularity', 'followers', 'playlist_count', 'playlist_reach'.
      --date string           Charting date in ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD
      --since string          Start date in ISO date format YYYY-MM-DD
      --limit string          Maximum number of results to be returned
      --duration string       The duration of the chart. Allowed values: 'daily', 'weekly' (default "daily")
      --country_code string   Filter by chart's country code in ISO Alpha-2 format. Allowed values: 'GLOBAL', 'US', 'JP', 'DE', 'CA', ...
      --latest string         If true, returns the latest data point available regardless of date. Allowed values: 'true', 'false'
  -h, --help                  help for airplay

Options inherited from parent commands

  -d, --debug                  Display debug output in the console (default: false)
  -r, --refresh_token string   Chartmetric API Refresh Token to use (overrides config file token; does not save)
  -V, --verbose                Show additional details only when displaying debug info (default: false)


  • cm charts - Lookup rankings for tracks and albums on various charts
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 28-Aug-2024